Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Built To Prosper

"In Pennsylvania we find the first pre-conceived garden schemes, William Penn directed the commissioners who settled the colony in 1682 to see that every house "be placed if the Person pleases, in ye middle of its place as to the breadth way of it, so that there may be grounds on each side, for Gardens, or Orchards, or fields, yt it may be a greene Country towne, wch will never be burnt and will allways be wholesome."  Richardson Wright

How many decades now have our homes been laid out for the convenience of getting into a car and traveling to the nearest strip mall?  Developments approved for their tax base (and the developers pocket)  not what the roads, schools, water, sewage, police, etc can handle.
Garden & Be Well,        XO Tara
Pic le Jardin Blanc.  Built by a doctor at the end of the Civil War in Douglasville, GA   


  1. P. Barbuda - posts on this topic really chap my hide, probably not what I need to read on days like this. But here in the wild west, it's all about the car (actually huge dually trucks...cowboy up!), cars and more cars. And more than one ex-client who wanted to carve up their property with unnecessary vehicular access to do something they never did/do...maintenance! And so on.

    I better get out of this AC and get hiking, or I'm going ballistic!

  2. Very nice post. I'm tweeting it. Thanks.
