Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Pond House

At pond's edge we're deciding architecture.

 Historical American.  Large enough for small gatherings & fishing gear.

 A fireplace for sure.
Nature at the pond will remain, embellished of course, to look MORE natural. 
Our pond has an island too.
Delight, and amazement, to find kindred spirits with these pics.
Cannot wait to post 3 corresponding pics of our Pond House.  Of course it will have to be 4 pics.  We have an area to create a 'rocky beach' for wading & pushing off with kayaks.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Found these pics looking for landscape pics of What Not To Do.  Title for the lecture I gave last nite at our state's largest trade group, Urban Ag Council.   
Total brain fart, I did not save picture source.


  1. Oh!
    You have no idea the delights of a pond like that!

    My favorite thing in the world is our pond! We have (as you know) ducklings, kingfishers, heron, (big and small)' It is a constant delight!
