Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My Desk

Neo-onerous work demands a gorgeous desk this week.  It will be done overlooking the Bay Terrace.  Filed an extension with my new CPA in April & now refinancing my garden, aka home.  Any excuse stops me from the work.

2  arrived in the mail yesterday !  How could they not be perused?

Monty Don has been a favorite garden writer for decades.  His style with mundane tasks thrills my soul.  You know where his book is this morning, by the bed.  And you know my accounting work isn't done.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Pics taken to get distracted during my work yesterday.  


  1. I also am finding other things to do than pressing work, though a little of that at a time, too. Some sanity is always needed!

  2. Tara

    You will adore The Home Within Us. It is right up your alley! I will have to look into the other that you recommended! Thanks

  3. Good Morning Tara! What a wonderful place to sit and do accounting (if you have to)...love the kitty enjoying the view along with you. Hope you get to enjoy your views often. Maura (Lilac Lane Cottage);)
