Monday, August 27, 2012

How To Get This Landscape: Break Rules

Want this landscape in a year?  Skip directions about spacing, plant in fall &
prepare the soil with amendments.  Most importantly, (do you already know?), mound the soil.
Life is short don't space your plants following what the books/tags say.
Garden & Be Well,      XO Tara
Exceptions abound, but for this garden (& a zillion others)  it WILL work.
Pic saved without credit.  My apologies. 


  1. I'm seriously feeling the spacing issues in my woodland garden. I guess that just means I need to get more plants.

  2. Many year ago my Mother (an artist) moved into a new house, no garden just a sea of mud! 12 months later she won best garden in an area of 200,000 people!
    Her secret....she mounded and fed the soil and planted everything very close together!
    I am a believer!!!!!

  3. I generally don't follow the rules!

  4. Such good advice not buy the plants in giant containers! Small and healthy is good!
