Saturday, August 11, 2012

How To Arrange Prints

In the foyer.

Every bit history.  Nice to see an original arrangement of framed prints not a decorated styled copy.
Front & back doors open all day, sun or rain.  Inside smelling every bit like the Great Smoky Mountains, rhododendron, pee gee hydrangea, moss, meadow, oaks.....
Garden & Be Well,            XO Tara
More Skyland Camp for Girls


  1. I always like your take on things. While I struggle to emulate a "decorated" style, you always remind me of the beauty in the everyday. I learn so much!

  2. You and I love the "real world"!

    So do most people......they have just been led astray; do you think?

    Why else would these monstrosities be built? With hardscape and lawn around them?

    No nature, no nothing except chemicals and loss of water!??? Why???

    You are my favorite garden designer!

