Thursday, August 16, 2012

Bruce Barone Shot Queens Pot

Pots must be so fabulous

they can remain empty.
The Queen's Pot!
Sustainable before Christ was born.  Been doing it myself for decades.
Touring the grounds of Glamis Castle I saw a huge urn in the distance.  It beckoned my name.  The urn grew larger the closer I got.  Upon discovery it was sentinel to an arboretum over a century old.
What garden center advocates empty urns?
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Pic by Bruce Barone.  Love & adore inventing garden concepts & The Queen's Pot is mine....!


  1. What garden center sells urns or containers that could be left empty...and which of their HGTV eco-faux-turf-fans would pay for such an item? Nice!

  2. Bravo! You deserve the accolades for "empty urns"!!

    It makes perfect just "put it
    into words"; which made an "idea" a reality!

    Words are the way we communicate!

