Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Blue Lamp in the Conservatory

 In honor of good service, the peacock blue ginger jar lamp with original shade.

Been in the library for years & now rotating off duty from 2 years in the Conservatory.
We are each allowed to love a hideous lamp.  This one is mine.  She will resurface. 
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Notice the tassel hanging from the key on the French door?  A punctuation of delight.  Who needs drugs with these amusements?
Pic taken last month.  Conservatory view is to the new French doors in my kitchen.  A bit of gardening still to be done at the landing.  Life is good, a gardening project awaits!


  1. Tara I just laughed out loud with your so funny post!! Thanks for your sweet comment this AM on mine!

  2. Not everything we love has to be beautiful, it just has to bring us joy.

  3. personally I would change the shade...but hey it's yours and you're allowed to love it to bits!
    Bec x

  4. I have that lamp! And I did change the shade (wider).Love it better that way. But love is love and I'm glad you love it!
