Friday, July 20, 2012

Working With Problems: Parking

Backdrop hedge to a portion of the flowering shrub border, below, at the back of the home.

 Yet, totally focused on the problem of seeing the cars & gator.
Trying to hide something most often attracts attention.
I get to do a lot of fun things with Landscape Design but I know parking, meters, air-conditioners, generators & etc. are all part of my job.  That job is to leave no area undone.
Must make sure Jane Austen would approve of any garden I plan.
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara
Pics taken in a client garden this month.


  1. Great place to tuck a parking area - the lot worked well for it too!

    At my house, the guests park in front, very much in the open. But my husband and I park in the garage, which is tucked in the back, out of the way. We had talked about placing a guest parking pad tucked to the side, but when we moved the house location forward it didn't happen.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Parking has become a common problem in every city. At every public place, there are so many vehicles that are not parked in a right place and thus they create problem for themselves and for others too.

    Parking lot management
