Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Vertical Lawn with Confederate Jasmine

Need more lush & it's coming soon.  Evergreen Confederate Jasmine is growing up the posts.
Eyehooks & wire will hold the twining vine.  It will go over the arches too.
A friend's quote comes to mind, "Grow damn you grow."
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Pic taken last week.  Creeping fig, espalier sasanqua are favorite 'vertical lawn' plants too.  Of course I'm showing off my zone a bit with those 2 !


  1. Each visit to your fantastic site is like an enjoyable visit to the dessert table at the Blue Willow Inn!

  2. Amazing effects you can create with the jasmine, creeping fig and sasanqua...sounds like a plus side to your zone! How do those do in your colder winters, or during ice storms?

  3. Cold winters, ice storms not a problem.

    65f in February then 6f on the same day.

    A problem with EVERYTHING.

    XO T

  4. Holy cow! That is very hard for me to wrap my mind around!

    Is "Confederate Jasmine" the same as "star Jasmine"?

    My Granny was very proud to be a "Daughter of the Confederacy"! I have all her stuff about it!

    LOVE that railing.....and the landing.......love!
