Monday, July 30, 2012

Lynn Coulter Interview & Lunch

Lynn Coulter, author, was squatting in a garden taking pics when I met her last month.  She asked to interview me for her Home Depot blog & was immediately asked to lunch in my Conservatory.  Tomato sandwiches, coleslaw & cantaloupe with lemonade.   

 We talked about pollinator habitat.  My discoveries of Italy & cottage gardens of England with their lush flowers not for beauty but, historically, for pollinator habitat.  Her article, here.  Important topic, yields can be almost doubled with increased pollinator habitat.
 How I never knew of her books is a mystery.
She enriches my library.  Pinch me, I'm in girl crush, she's my new friend. 
Visit Lynn Coulter's site & about her books, here.
Garden & Be Well,         XO Tara
Lunch pic from our lunch.  Tomato sandwich with bacon & vidalia onion!


  1. I am dying for that lunch. Very southern!

  2. Great article to remind us all that all creatures help create the eden we love...including the dreaded possum! We would love to see pics of your garden sometime!
