Friday, July 6, 2012

Lunch in the Conservatory

Lunch in the Conservatory.
 Pears, yogurt, cottage cheese, pistachios.  There's something about multiple little bowls,
mismatched silver spoons, plate, linen napkin, making the choices.
Walking across the garden & choosing where to sit in the Conservatory.  These are the great dramas I want.
Amid hectic days my Conservatory never fails to enrich my spirit.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Wish lunch in the Conservatory were more often but you know I'm happy to be at jobsites too.


  1. Eating a meal out of little bowls and plates is a traditional Japanese way of eating. As a maker of bowls and plates (and other pottery) I highly recommend it also.

  2. This time of year it's so nice to go a little slower in the morning to be able to enjoy breakfast on the porch, deck, or if lucky enough to have the conservatory!

    Happy summer!!

  3. Worked late, woke up and started working late...guess I need a pick-me-up breakfast in a conservatory and a strong ceiling fan! (I chill my bowl in the freezer for cold fruit, then heat up something pastry-like...unhealthy to the body, but so necessary to the soul)
