Monday, July 23, 2012

Cottage Awning

Built during a poverty cycle, ca. 1930, this awning is wood. 
Yes, steps/terrace are bluestone.

 When the cottage was built, a century ago, this was the afternoon sun porch.
In love with the proportions (of all parts of this cottage).  They reek of age & fabulous.
Garden & Be Well,  XO Tara
Took the pics last month.


  1. I love the curves and I imagine its much easier to keep clean then a fabric awning.

    I searched your blog for "ground cover" and did not find any results. I may head to the library today to check out your books for some ideas.

    This past weekend we extended a bed in our yard. We are not sure what to plant there and funds are limited so imagine my horror when my husband spent $250 on weed barrier fabric! My response was lets take that money and buy plants or ground cover.

    His concern about ground cover is rodents. Is this true? Granted there is no way we are going to plant ivy but there has to be some alternatives. I don;t love the large areas of mulch I see all over the neighborhood.

  2. this little cottage oozes character, right down to the mossy green growth on the pavers and pickets..lovely!
    Bec x

  3. Oh Tara! You genius, you!

    that awning is the best! And how did you know that is exactly what I needed to find for )our daughter who just moved back here from Switzerland)'s first house??!!??

    Yikes! It is totally brilliant! Bravo again!

    so subtle; so appropriate! So elegant!


  4. Oh...I love it too. So charming.

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