Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Lipstick On A Cinder Block

Ivy growing inside this Historic Register home, below, is a bit too much romance for even my love of rustic gardens.
 Already see, above, what  piqued my interest?
 Something new in cinder block fashion. 
No intentions of grandeur.  Yet attaining the level of folk art. 
Garden & Be Well,      XO Tara
Wrenching to see this beautiful Historic Register home in dishabille.  Shot pics last weekend.  Lipstick On A Cinder Block, sounds like a good book title.


  1. I've never seen anything like that before. It makes me wonder about the story behind it. It's so sad to see this history being lost.

  2. Yes--good title!

    Remember the song "Lipstick on your shoulder?"

  3. Never seen that before. I had ivy once that poked it's way through the window sash and into my apartment. I let it grow....cause I liked it and it wasn't my house. I rented. But then one day the workman were out cleaning the landscape and soon after my ivy vine inside which had gotten about 2 feet long....wilted and died. They'd found the intruder and cut him out.
