Saturday, June 30, 2012

Garden View From Her Desk

Her desk, below, in the kitchen.
 With its

garden view.
Inside & outside she's created her own world, it's not of this time.  It's timeless.
Have you done this for yourself.  Created your world?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken last month in Susanne Hudson's garden.


  1. I've positioned my desk so I have a view of my "cabinet of curiosities", my fireplace and my back garden. Heaven!

  2. Yes. When my husband wanted to take me up on my offer to change studies, I told him it was too late. It is now my world. From here I watch the sun go from dark to glow and watch everything from butterflies to hawks enliven the garden.

    A blessed 4th of July to you.
