Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Chinoiserie View

Every window must have a garden view.  And my garden must be a moat of grace around my home.  Facts from my mission statement. 
 Yesterday, above/below, I did something I haven't done since college.  Ironing for pleasure.  Of course I set up with a garden view.
 My grandfather was a doctor & always had a snazzy linen handkerchief in his suit pocket.  I loved to iron them watching the patterns & threads appear.  My brother-in-law is a doctor, and loves to iron.  Without him I doubt I'd have courage to let anyone know of this pleasure.
 My linen tea towels are all vintage.  Ridiculous, silly women saved them for a 'special day'.  They died, I bought them at estate sales for cheapo/nothing.
 In my kitchen is a fabulous new stove/oven.  With a bar perfect for ironed linen tea towels.
Vintage draperies, above, were rescued from a demolished home.  Loved Chinoiserie before I knew 'Chinoiserie' was a word. 
Chinoiserie Chic gave me permission for this passion.  Mentors gave me permission to develop to the 'N'th degree my gardening passion.
My brother-in-law picked me up from Hobby airport last January knowing something terrible.  He let me be quiet, chit/chat, ask questions.  He gave me time & my own lead to understanding.  The car was surely heading to the hospital where my Dad lay.  Dad would not live beyond the day.  He held my hand while tears fell like acid & breathing was impossible.  G*d gave me these moments to compose myself before walking into Dad's hospital room.  G*d gave my brother-in-law the task of telling me my father would die. 
Of course I want to do something nice for my brother-in-law.  I'm on a fresh hunt for vintage linen tea towels.  My sister thinks her husband's ironing 'thing' is humorous.  She showed me his specially ordered iron, a German beauty.
An enriching enfilade: ironing vintage linen, loving Chinoiserie draperies, adoring beautiful garden views.  Willie Nelson was singing love songs.  I took the CD from Dad's car after he died.      
I'm plodding thru this.  Thankful for nurturing templates. 
Garden & Be Well,    XO Tara


  1. What a day you're having. So many thoughts ... so many emotions ... sending you a virtual hug ... hope it helps.

    My brother collects vintage irons ... he doesn't iron, just collects. There's just something about irons/ironing.

  2. I so understand the pain of losing a parent, that endless ache you carry in your heart.
    There is nothing like a wonderful beautiful linens and a great iron to iron them with.

  3. Tara, all of your posts are beautiful...this one especially touched me today. I'm so sorry for the loss of your dad. Hugs to you today...

  4. Tara - I'm so sorry for the loss of your dad. I am glad you got to see him before he passed.

    I'm glad you get to listen to his Willie!


  5. Dear, dear Tara, It takes a long time to heal from a loss. You know that I know this. Grief is HARD WORK!! You are in my prayers

    I too love to iron, it is rewarding to see the wrinkles turn into crisp smooth linens with the pass of the iron. Also, it gives time for contemplation.

    Love & special hugs.

  6. dear tara,

    such lovely thoughts all rolled into one post. so sorry to hear of your fathers passing. i think you ironing with your view would make him happy. what is it about ironing or doing dishes that is so peaceful and calming during troubling times?


  7. Tara, I am so sorry for your loss. Loss of a loved one is felt so keenly for such a long time; sometimes a scent or tilt of a stranger's head will take you back to that place you thought you'd left behind. I never knew my father really so cannot feel that connection, but I felt that when others I have loved have died.

    Your BIL sounds like a very fine man. We need more of those.

  8. I have similar memories of my housekeeper letting me iron only 1 thing - my daddy's handkerchief. so sorry about your loss. hobby airport = that's here in houston. i can only guess he was md anderson?


  9. Oh Tara...I didn't know about this...I'm so sorry about your Dad. You are very fortunate to have such a wonderful brother in law who helped you through that rough time. How sweet that he loves to iron...I suppose we all have our little quirks and how thoughtful of you to be looking for his favorite thing to iron. I don't mind ironing...I just don't do it very often and I only love it when it's something pretty to iron. Good luck with your search and I hope your day is a good one.
    Maura X

  10. So sorry about your loss. The first thing I was allowed to iron was my Dad's handkerchiefs. I worked very hard at making them smooth. So, I too associate ironing with thoughts of my Dad. Wishing you peace.

    I love ironing tea towels, fancy hand towels, really any "fancy linens". I am one of those women who collected household linens "saved by past generations " and I use them on a daily basis and enjoy them very much.

  11. Terribly sorry for the loss of your father. But what an AMAZING blessing is your brother-in-law! Ironing: yes, soothing, indeed! I know you will find exactly the perfect linens to give to him. A beautiful, beautiful post.

  12. Tara, I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves to iron! A stack of ironed hankies or tea towels is a thing of beauty. My friends think I'm nuts to iron so much... oh well.

    Just keep putting that stetson on and let each day carry you to the next.

    Prayers for you,


    p.s. You would be so proud of my garden - putting alot of "Tara" logic to good use... and when is the Penny McHenry festival this year? Would love to drive up. Thanks

  13. Dear Tara, so so sorry to hear about your father.... sometimes plodding is the most perfect way to be.. a beautiful brave post, thank you

  14. Yes I have bought some of those special linens somebody's Granny was saving for special days..that's all I buy. HOWEVER it's all to be used NOW IN MY HOME..nothing is too special to handle and make use of
