Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A New Carriage House

Her color theme was chosen long ago.

 Finally, her carriage house is being built. 
 Her dream is a garden seen throughout the years in magazines.
 Love that, easy for me to copy, below.
First day of digging they found a spring.  The elevation changed a bit.  Had to come back and tweak a short & low stone wall. 
Using evergreens, tea olive & wax leaf ligustrum, to block the neighbor's house, 2nd pic. 
Sent her an email every 6-8 months asking, "Started your carriage house yet?"  Honestly, you should have seen the Sanford & Son shed she was living with.  Past its prime, rotting, stuffed & with stuff sitting all around it. 
Their home is historic & it was important to site the new carriage house 'as if' it had always been there.  I lined it exactly parallel with the house.  As they did centuries ago.  And, not too far or too close to her home.
Garden & Be Well,      XO Tara
Pics take earlier this month.  Her other color is black. 


  1. Oh oh, I want, I want!
    'hugs from afar'

  2. I can't wait to see the gardens.
    Carriage house is looking fabulous!

  3. Tara do you design all the garden structures as well? Impressive! Can't wait to see the gardens!

  4. I work with architects. Good ones. Am quite demanding. As are clients.

    Makes for a good team.

    Smaller projects it's client, me & Magic Man.

    We hit all price points.

    Including husbands with free labor.

    XO T

  5. Tara!

    You take my breath away!!

