Thursday, April 12, 2012

Copy. Price Is No Excuse.

Copy, it's one of the 1st & best rules of Landscape Design.
It's not the price point, alone, creating this welcome.
What can you copy?
Lights on inside, door/walls with confidently chosen colors, urn on plinth so fabulous it can remain empty & a confidently chosen color, welcoming bench, fabulous light in maximum-3D over the door, metal boot scrape, wood mat, scoring of stone.
Not having a welcoming entry because you don't have the money is not an excuse.
Much to be rescued on garbage day, returned paint found cheaply at hardware store or really cheap at a thrift store, cheap pot with good shape smothered in ivy, faux paint scoring, and etc.
Desire & intellect will provide your beautiful entry. 
Don't have the courage to post drive-by-shootings of hi-end properties with ridiculous front door areas.
You know, champagne budget , beer taste.
Garden & Be Well,      XO Tara
Pic via Belgian Pearls.


  1. Great post Tara! So doesn't buy taste, but taste does require some effort!

  2. Amen...more with less. Sure beats what you say is "champagne budget, beer (bud lite) taste"!

    Nothing is original, it has all been done, just not everywhere...yet. Am preparing a Saturday program on design, and that is what I'll emphasize on every point, if I can stay up long enough...
