Saturday, March 31, 2012

Mrs. Wilcox, Howard's End

Mrs. Wilcox walks in her garden around her house, Howard's End.  It starts the book & movie.  E.M. Forster knew a few things about people, especially women.

 Meandering my garden, above, I see beauty, time, love, atonement.
 I see strength, & gain energy.
 Small, middle-class, probably 'working class' as the NYTimes would say, this bit of garden is a great joy & pure grace. 
 Like Mrs. Wilcox, looking into my windows, the garden & house are beyond measure.  To me.
To have created this tiny garden amongst a huge metropolis within a crammed subdivision I count one of my greatest successes.  In life.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics from my garden this month.


  1. Hi Tara! Seeing these photos and remembering your garden are almost (but not quite) as good as a visit. Your journey is always an inspiration.


  2. You are right. It is a wonderful testimony to your skills and heart. I love the photo of the urn on the pedestal outside your window. Beautiful.

  3. Just stunning!! Great accomplishment. Whatever would we do without our gardens heal & give us strength?

  4. A HUGE accomplishment! It is really one of the most beautiful of any garden I have seen!

    And what you say about looking into the house from the garden I have learned from you! I think subconsciously I have done it often; but now I can explain it to clients.....and I will ALWAYS do it from now on!

    Thank you for the gift!

  5. Whenever someone asks how much property I own, I have to think a minute. It seems like 5 acres, but is really just three quarters of an acre. I love that it feels like there is so much more. I live in the middle of a large neighborhood, but you would not know it. From my window vistas to the strategically place trees, it has taken 25 years to create my own little island in the midst of suburbia. this post...k

  6. tara this is your cupcake......this is someone who longs for what you created in your small space; and does not believe it is possible! You have proven to all of it that it is!
    I have told her to seek you......and I ask you to seek her!

    I hope you two will connect!

    You are brilliant beyond! and what you have achieved is brilliant ! And is possible for anyone to create given the vision and help you can give.!
    You are such an inspiration!!!

    her letter to me was:

    So so beautiful! Thanks for sharing, I would love to have a garden like this but have a tiny “yard” and no gardener. I would love to try something like the crab apple fence though for privacy (very nosy neighbours on one side and no privacy despite a fence). I’m guessing your gardener did this but do you have any tips for someone who might like to try on their own?
    If I ever win the lottery Penelope, you are my decorator!

  7. tara this is your cupcake......this is someone who longs for what you created in your small space; and does not believe it is possible! You have proven to all of it that it is!
    I have told her to seek you......and I ask you to seek her!

    I hope you two will connect!

    You are brilliant beyond! and what you have achieved is brilliant ! And is possible for anyone to create given the vision and help you can give.!
    You are such an inspiration!!!

    her letter to me was:

    So so beautiful! Thanks for sharing, I would love to have a garden like this but have a tiny “yard” and no gardener. I would love to try something like the crab apple fence though for privacy (very nosy neighbours on one side and no privacy despite a fence). I’m guessing your gardener did this but do you have any tips for someone who might like to try on their own?
    If I ever win the lottery Penelope, you are my decorator!

  8. I have referred you to someone who wrote to me about my garden, She has a tiny "yard" and noisy neighbors, and no privacy.....I have sent her to you!

    I know you can help her! You make magic!!


  9. Those hydrangeas are incredible.


  10. Your garden looks beautiful, it looks as thou there are layers upon layers of leaves & blossom. I love your words from a previous a garden around your home is like "a moat of grace around your life".
    I have been following your postings for some time now and really enjoy your photos of the places you are working on & your creative thoughts. from Jenny (Australia)
