Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Foundation Plantings & Front Porch Opening

Typical USA foundation plantings, along with incipient pruning, below.

 The Cottage has good bones.
 I have sure thoughts, below.
Plants have been moved to a tapestry hedge, rails removed and The Cottage is sighing in relief, below.

Next?  Granite curbstones will be placed as a step at all 3 sides of the porch.
Next?  Gravel arrives, a potager, boxwood, brick painting.
Adore this process. 
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Garden a bit slow, The Cottage needed new windows & pipes.  All the copper had been stolen.  Roof is beyond its life expectancy but honored heavily for its steadfastness.  A penny saved is a garden installed.....
3rd pic via Griege Design


  1. I can't wait to see the finished product. What color will the brick be painted?

  2. But what if you have an ugly concrete foundation?

  3. Adore that you share the process and waiting (impatiently) for the story to unfold!

  4. Absolutely wonderful concept. First thing we did when we moved to our present single story was to remove the plantings. Thanks to you!

  5. It will be exciting to see how the property's outdoor space will look like. Being in the lawn maintenance Phoenix industry, it is very nice to see home projects like this for the development of gardens.
