Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Custom Iron Railing

Real iron railing, below, with a bundle of intellect.  The eye picks up quality & detail.  And this is a stunning detail.

 This is what you get, below, in a gated community with strong homeowners association & excellent property manager.  Dreadful plant choices & even worse pruning.

The yellow sickly things, above, are Southern Indica azaleas in toxic Georgia red clay subsoil.
Wish there were an award for driving the ugliest vehicle but loving it the most, above, it's me.
Garden & Be Well,       XO Tara
Pics taken at a new jobsite last week.  I'm not out to change their HOA but I want the landscape to reflect, fully, the gorgeous home & its property value.  Yes, we must submit my new Landscape Design for approval.  Ironic, HOA's often lower what their aim is to raise. 


  1. Your comment made me smile tonight. Thank you. :)

    I'd like to be crystal clear on one point. Your van rocks. You should drive that with complete pride. I had complete van envy when I saw the picture. I'm quite serious...

  2. Oh how French that little van is - and the white is the only color a hard working person can have!!
