Monday, February 20, 2012

Vision Quest Design Solutions

We need a door to balance the fabulousity of historic brick, acreage, meandering heirloom chickens, orchard, potager, Jacobs sheep, ornamental plantings, views from the house & more.  Life. 

came to mind. 
This door, top pic, was in David's own garden.   
A garden library is wonderful for vision questing.  Adore doing it via blogging too, but having one of my antique tables covered in books open to various pages creates more lit-up neural paths in my brain with touch, smell, site, lite, sound the ipad can't compete with.
Ironically, My Kind Of Garden, by David Hicks, was recommended on a blog I read years ago.  Blogging & booking are a loop I love.  They feed each other.  Helping me feed the creative MUSE. 
Garden & Be Well,  XO Tara


  1. Testing....

    Too many comments emailing they can't post a comment....


  2. Hi Tara

    I've been wanting to buy this beautiful David Hicks book for months, but it's very expensive here in Australia. Will wait until I go to London - or try Amazon.

    The comment problem may be due to the fact that Blogger has apparently made it more difficult to understand the comment moderation words - so another blogger told me. You can type in the letters but if they're not the right ones your comment simply goes off into the atmosphere, with no signal indicating the comment didn't go through. I've since taken Comment Moderation off (at the advice of this blogger). You may wish to keep it, but that's probably what's causing the glitch.

    Janelle xx
