Monday, February 6, 2012

Placing Cobblestone Edging

No matter how many times, below,
 my guys create a new gravel parking court with
 cobblestone edging it feels like
a new book has begun.
I feel something tangible with gravel & cobblestones, laid with love, appreciated in form, used for function.  As if a spirit were created to nurture those in its new, yet, ancient realm.
Garden & Be Well,  XO Tara
Pics taken last month.  This incredible man, pulls a line, uses a level, does it right each time.  No matter he's done it for decades.


  1. Hey! This reminds me of, well, me in my garden.

  2. Looks like a great place to park it!

    Love the combination.

  3. And mortar-less - I like that! And I like the good use of gravel just as much, like what you show here and so often. In the southwest, gravel is often called "groundcover", which makes me cringe or want to find an AK-47...

  4. Such hard work, but the end result is so worth all the effort!

  5. I don't have "guys" to do this. I did it myself. Made bearable for the fact that I paid 50 cents per block because "no one could figure out what to do with them!" She who laughs last...
