Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Assignment: Go To Venice

Studying Landscape Design in Italy, a day was set aside for Venice.  No gardens.  A dreaded day.  Money was tight & study was the purpose.  Not a city in water.
(I wear boots in my garden & designing landscapes.  Really, these are MY SHOES, above.)

How can any of my Landscape Designs not be redolent of having been to Venice?  (Mask, wig, flowers, dress, feathers, jewels, this is ME.)  
 Tongue In Cheek has been in Venice recently.  (Design a potager?  I can Be A Potager, above.)
This character would be marvelous in marble.  In a garden. 
Your assignment, Go To Venice. 
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Pics from Tongue In Cheek   Seriously, go to Venice.  It will affect your heart, creativity, joy, spirit & more.


  1. We were there last year... Undoubtedl, the most magical , inspiring city I have visited

  2. Hey, I would love to go to Venice or anywhere in Italy for that matter on the slightest excuse. I use movies set in Italy to get me through the long Canadian winter! Under the Tuscan Sun is one of the few books that I have read twice.
