Friday, February 17, 2012

Apple Espalier In A Tiny Potager

Her potager is barely 3' deep, below.
 No problem planting a pair of espalier apple trees, above.  They require little space.
She offered some of her collards, above, but they were too pretty to pick.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
I espalier a lot of things.  Tried a hydrangea espalier?  Lushness without effort, sasanqua's too.  Sometimes, I espalier, truly due to tight space.


  1. I need to take advantage of espalier for tight spaces in my residential designs...once I own a contracting and maintenance business, to go with a nursery.

  2. Tara, what variety of apple did you use? Love this idea! On my wee lot, I've got nothing BUT tight spaces!

  3. Hmm. This has got me thinking of the possibilities. Thanks!

  4. Thanks for the notion of a hydrangea espalier.
