Friday, January 6, 2012

Martha Washington Table In The Garden

Martha Washington never knew how many would appear at her dinner table.  Extra tables, boards placed on sawhorses, were often set-up in the garden.  With a cloth of course.
 Yesterday, working in the Ancient Orchard we needed a table.
 Quickly, the guys had our Martha Washington table set-up.  It had been nearby in the potager.
 We were siting fruit trees.
We did use the hammer, keeping invoice sheets from blowing away.
Obvious, more than 1 Martha Washington table is needed in her garden.
G*d is smiling, these are FUN needs.
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Pics taken yesterday.  Notice my basket in the top pics?  34 years old.  English white willow.  Came from Neiman-Marcus in Dallas, Texas during their Christmas Fortnight event.  Sales lady didn't want to sell it, it was holding ornaments.  La-ti-da, acquired my target.  Yes, the lady got huffy.  Very huffy.    


  1. Here is Thoreau writing about apples, their history, cultivation and the native varieties, in the Atlantic for November 1862. A Tantalus ...

    "Early apples begin to be ripe about the first of August; but I think that none of them are so good to eat as some to smell. One is worth more to scent your hand-kerchief with than any perfume which they sell in the shops. The fragrance of some fruits is not to be forgotten, along with that of flowers. Some gnarly apple which I pick up in the road reminds me by its fragrance of all the wealth of Pomona, -- carrying me forward to those days when they will be collected in golden and ruddy heaps in the orchards and about the cider-mills.

    A week or two later, as you are going, by orchards or gardens, especially in the evenings, you pass through a little region possessed by the fragrance of ripe apples, and thus enjoy them without price, and without robbing anybody...."

  2. Great brick wall, and nice use of "disgarded items". Great table set-up, not to mention the basket find. (I wonder what you paid)

    Seems some at "Needless Markup" could benefit from the customer service at Nordstroms!

    Like hobbyist-run nurseries that put plants "not-for-sale" right near plants for-sale, without a fence or other barrier to keep people out. Otherwise, who would think it is not for sale?
