Monday, January 30, 2012

How To Get It Free

Thrift store yesterday, Donald Pliner shoes, 99 cents.
 Saving, $299.00, minimum, they've bought me
several tons of gravel, stone & a few boxwood.
Girl math.
But it really works.  All my dear lady clients get it.  ALL.
Husbands groan.
Garden & Be Well,      XO Tara
No, this isn't sexist.  I know exactly how boy math works.  Pics from Ann Mashburn's home via Atlanta Homes magazine.


  1. Girl math..."I'm going to spend $X, so may as well get a pair of shoes with the garden items I want." Always involves rolling clothing/shoes into the amount, I bet! Boy math...must involve food, but I'm actually drawing a blank.

  2. Loved DD's math duet with you. This month's example: I cooked all month instead of dining out. So with the money "I saved" I bought a snazzy pair of boots with great a jazzy starburst pattern on them that makes me smile. My husband of 36 years—and a number cruncher for a living—just smiles. He had wonderful meals!

  3. Yes! I even buy my Uggs on Craigslist! More gravel, please!

