Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Historically Siting Bulbs

Hillary Clinton had 'intellectual exercise' conversations with Eleanor Roosevelt.  Remember those headlines? 
 Oddly, I got it.  Even then.
Last month I sited thousands of bulbs after "consulting the genius of the place."  I've spoken with landscapes for decades.  
This garden, above pics, has a historic home with little but its pecan orchard intact.
Next year anyone seeing the drifts of daffodils will think they've been there a century.
Garden & Be Well,      XO Tara
Many of you have this skill, "consulting the genius of the place", but don't trust it.  It's why I listen so hard to landscape questions.  The answers are already in the question. 
Yes, Alexander Pope...Consult the genius of the place......


  1. The answer is so often in the question! Happy daffodiling, P. Barbuda.

  2. This blog and the work you do is fantastic....love it.x

  3. Hmm...I've never thought of it that way but that must be what I try to do in my own humble efforts to garden. I seem to spend a lot of time just looking at what's in front of me from all different angles and go with what feels right and looks like it was meant to be. So have I been "consulting the genius of the place"?
    I thought I was doing good planting 50 bulbs...look at all the bulbs you planted!! How are your knees? ;)
