Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tree Seats

I was reading, Make Way For Lucia, by EF Benson, on the tree seat yesterday.  A letter arrived from Sandy this morning, it's on the banister, waiting for me to get to the tree seat.
 Mary's coming for lunch, we're finishing the homemade soup & cornbread.  Can't wait to hear our crunch on the gravel & Mary's stories, always full of laughter.
Before passionate lust for the next NEW thing arrives, interior monologues begin.
Isn't it obvious I'll be getting an iron tree seat?  Don't know when.  But I will.
How do you handle your garden lust/s?
Garden & Be Well,            XO Tara
Pics from Peter Weldon Iron Designs.  Am I really crazy, thinking the Beehive tree seat could go inside a Florida Room????? !!!


  1. I don't think I should answer the last q, Ms Tara! But if I had a tree like that...

  2. Handle garden lusts?? When you find out let me know!!

  3. I can see Lucia and Georgie having a conversation in "Italian" on such a bench. Molto Bella!

  4. Thank you for an excellent post! I enjoyed the gardens you featured very much, and you made some excellent points. I think a great garden must have personality that sets it apart.
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