Saturday, October 1, 2011

Cottage Garden: Layered On Formality

Flagstones, edged in brick, below.  Bricks hidden for a few weeks in a cottage garden facade.
 Self-seeding blue ageratum were, indeed, pruned to create a narrow foot path.
 A look of the country, in this tiny subdivision with minuscule lots, within a metro area of millions.
 10 weeks, no appreciable rains.  Doubts the blue ageratum would bloom on schedule?  None !
Variegated boxwood, above, in a large formal terra cotta pot.  Engulfed in a sea of ageratum.  A temporary bouquet.
A change for the season in color and style.  Soon, the formal lines of winter will return to my little flagstone terrace.  And the terra cotta pot will return.
Garden & Be Well,       XO Tara
Pics taken last week in my garden.  Yes, garden cat Torte De Shelle following me.  It was hard to prune the walking path, wanting to keep it solid meadow.  Ha, I had to get thru !!!  Reality intruded.  Plans for the fruit orchard are percolating.  Trees will probably come from the big box hardware store & boxwoods from a wholesaler.  If this sounds formal, it is.  Love a good meadow, cottage garden AND formal lines too.


  1. I think something so anti-design as a cottage garden must have some beautiful, patterned bones to hold it up during winter and summer dormancy.

    I don't think even uber-mild San Diego can pull off all cottage garden all year.

  2. I love it when a little space is created that looks like it's out in the middle of nowhere. When it's right in the city. Takes creativity!

  3. Don't you just love being the smartest person in the arena?
    I love watching you do that!

    ps. answer to San Diego up there! Oh yes! isn't it the same climate as santa Barbara?

    (you have called me "Russell Page".it has not gone to my head! I am reading the book "Education of a Gardener) !! I haven't come to the part about the water. I have to start at the beginning...... what wonderful book! Thank you!!!

    I have also bought all of your books.....will read in is scary how much we are all about hints. That are totally counter-intuitive! I have some missions.....more later!

    hint...abolishing lawns!!???) Let's start with that!



  4. Lovely cottage walkway and garden. I was just wondering yesterday what all those blue flowers were along the side of my I know!


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