Saturday, August 20, 2011

A Surprise Match

Pow.  They matched the trailing plant to the gravel, genius, then color echoed flowers with foliage.

Pow.  I stopped in my tracks at this pot.  Genius.  (And began talking with the pot/plants/gravel.)
Does anyone else have conversations with gardeners who aren't present?
Garden & Be Well,     XO Tara
Pic taken at Atlanta Botanical Garden last week.  And the pot picks up colors of the moody sky.


  1. Just saw this at Ball Horticultural Gardens spilling over a stone wall stunning! I am definitely going to use Dicondra next year in a container. I have seen it in the nurseries but always passed it up.


  2. Stunning! I like not only what you say, about how integrated everything is, or my usual thing for boldness. I like the tropical effect the scene evokes, with the container plants driving it in.

  3. What is that plant that is trailing down the sides? I love this look and use creeping jenny in this manner but sure could use some other things that do this too.

  4. It is sheer perfection, Tara!

  5. Someone needs to paint a face on the pot!!!

  6. Beautiful! I love the grassy-fountainy thing on top!

    Is the trailing plant dichondra?
