Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Early Naturalist

The Lloyd's house was already old when they purchased it a century ago.  It had to be shored up & gardens created. Their good fortune was hiring Sir Edwin Lutyens.  And Mrs. Lloyd wanted her landscape to be 'natural'.  After all, landscapes were then the Edwardian conceit.

This is the path I first came upon at Great Dixter.  Had never seen a garden like this, yet it imprinted on my DNA as the way to garden.
Hedges, meadows, topiaries, flowering shrubs, trees, paths, vines, stone, brick, water, axis, benches, focal points, rain butts, potting sheds, subtleties, compost.  Yes.
But I don't do the herbaceous borders, too much maintenance.
If this garden room is informal, above, what do you think the next garden room is?
Garden & Be Well,           XO Tara
Assignment: Go To Great Dixter.

1 comment:

  1. Next garden room - I say formal and manicured. No chance in going there anytime soon...wish I could, just to take a break from summer.

    As to herbaceous borders, for most situations and clients, totally irrelevant and high maintenance. Too bad we still have media telling the sheeple this is what they need, though. Fleeting flower fanaticism.
