Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Poke Salad In Landscape Design

Poke Salad, aka Poke Weed, in the foreground, below

Arching tendrils of pearls & foliage contrasting deliciously with the crape myrtle.
Come thru the gate (you're standing in the street now) & into my Tea Olive Terrace.  Thru the pink crape myrtle blossoms you can see my office windows.
Poke Salad is great for birds, they love the berries, they mature a deep aubergine.  One year, they ate so much they were pooping, on the fly, and it (purple poo) was landing across the street on my neighbor's white garage door.
Who knew birds were the original Jackson Pollock?
Garden & Be Well,              XO Tara
Pic taken in my garden same day as previous pic.


  1. It's good to know I'm not the only one that thinks these are really pretty. I always let one or two grow tall for the birds.

  2. Maybe I should photograph the "Pollock" on our fence today!

  3. Poke salad is such a beautiful plant. I usually let one get big every year. If only the purple poo didn't sprout little pokes absolutely everywhere. Some enterprising horticulturist needs to come up with a less prolific variety.

  4. I'm so glad that you posted this. I have always felt like I should "pull" this out of my yard, but I leave it alone...because I love how it looks...thanks...k

  5. Jackson Pollock birds are the reason I pulled up two Poke plants today before they reached that size.

  6. I always leave some poke salad for my birds and I LOVE the visual idea of Jackson Pollack birds...too funny!

  7. I can't wait until our remodel is done and we can focus on the landscaping. our garden is a dead zone with all the construction..love your garden..it gives me something to look forward too.

  8. Hello Tara!
    What a beautiful crepe myrtle! We have those growing on the farm...they're an interesting looking plant. Your garden is just beautiful. I hope you're staying cool over there....have a wonderful Thursday!
    Maura :)
