Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Moody Water

Near their kitchen door, in a courtyard, on axis with window views, below.
 Subtle, quiet, good.  I delight in the green slime & hear nature's song in these drops.
 I knew the pump was adjusted, 'just so'.  Laughing with knowing eyes, they said it was.
 Often the biggest gestures are simple.
 Their moody water taking the courtyard for its own.  Redolent of the lion
in Cinema Paradiso.
Garden & Be Well,              XO Tara
Water in a garden can be this diminutive yet take your heart in metaphor.  Don't overlook simplicity.  Top pics I took in a client garden.  Bottom 2 pics I copied from the movie, Cinema Paradiso.
Garden Designers Round Table is all about water today.
Read More !!!


Water; water everywhere…or not enough at all!  Water is the lifeblood of every living thing, and yet it can be destructive in its extremes.  It’s a resource that is ephemeral and unpredictable – be it by natures’ vagaries or politicians’ whims.  The partnering of thoughtful water management with appropriate plant selection is crucial to any garden design. Today the Garden Designers Roundtable presents the topic of water.
We are delighted to introduce Debra Lee Baldwin as our guest blogger this month.  Award-winning garden photojournalist Debra Lee Baldwin lives in the drought-parched Southwest, near San Diego. “Water?” she asks. “Ha! I wish.” Debra authored the Timber Press bestsellers Designing with Succulentsand Succulent Container Gardens.   As a renowned authority on these elegant, easy-care and waterwise plants, Debra shares her expertise in print and online, via radio and TV, and at horticultural venues nationwide. She is one of several acclaimed authors and photographers who share the blog www.gardeninggonewild.com. More info: www.debraleebaldwin.com.
Now, please follow the links below, joining our special guest and members of the Roundtable, as we write about water.


  1. I love fountains that have been around for ages; their patina is just something you can't duplicate. Thanks, Tara!

  2. Love the subtlety and ageless elegance of this fountain. Fab!

  3. Love the slimy fountain!! Patina!

    People actually put bleach in them to make it go away!!

    I love, love,love!! I love everything about this fountain!
