Saturday, July 30, 2011

How To Choose The Best Urns & Containers

The very best containers?  NEVER NEED PLANTING.
 Any container considered for purchase, ask yourself, "Is this so fabulous it can remain empty?", and, "Will this be fought over at my Estate Sale?"
 These classic beauties, centuries of existence across continents, are classic for a reason.
Size, form, & color are considerations.
Garden & Be Well,            XO Tara
Pics from my wholesaler.  These 3 urns are truly my 'go to' urns.


  1. Oh...I love that one with the shells in it. When I bought my house I knew I absolutely must have urns like these. I bought three large ones to put on the brick pedestals that comprise my front porch. Now they have ivy growing up around them and look as if they have always been there. I chose these instead of empty urns because I thought it might be a struggle to keep living filled urns looking their best always. Anytime I see urns like these I love them sooo much. These are beautiful examples.

  2. The small Italian fruit basket and the gorgeous shell one would do nicely in my garden... of course I'd probably have to mortgage the house to get them. :) Love looking and wishing though.

  3. Great philosophy for those who settle for schlock or mediocrity. As always, I love these -
    "Is this so fabulous it can remain empty?"
    "Will this be fought over at my Estate Sale?"

    I must remember that with every client here.

  4. I love these urns. Who is your wholesale source or where can I find them retail?

  5. I just read your statement to my husband, and he laughed in agreement. We are big estate sale aficionados and it's always a kick to see what people fight over. As for these particular urns, I bought the shell one just last year. It is actually sitting on a stone table in my "garden" room, aka den; named so because no matter where one sits, there are great views of the back garden. It is one of my favorite items in my favorite room.

  6. I just read your statement to my husband, and he laughed in agreement. We are big estate sale aficionados and it's always a kick to see what people fight over. As for these particular urns, I bought the shell one just last year. It is actually sitting on a stone table in my "garden" room, aka den; named so because no matter where one sits, there are great views of the back garden. It is one of my favorite items in my favorite room.
