Thursday, July 28, 2011

Color On The Front Porch

Plates change, colors change, Mary's front porch always delights.
 Mary grew up in this tiny cottage.
 Love this type of caress, below.
 Porch & front door face a side, not the front of the cottage.
 Not quite an acre, it lives bigger, having mature canopy hardwoods & understory trees.
 Love her blacktop.
A view from the front porch into the garden, above.
After decades away, in much larger homes, life conspired for Mary to live in her tiny cottage again.  I know it's a blessing in my life.  She's around the corner from my garden.
Garden & Be Well,         XO Tara


  1. It's hard not to love a front porch that invites you to sit down and enjoy the day. I like how subtle her vibrant colors are, I think that makes a huge difference in the look and feel of the porch.

  2. Perfect cottage front porch...great colors, hydrangeas and flag flying.

  3. That obelisk is so beautifully sited. This garden (and porch) would ease the mind and spirit.
