Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sea Shells In The Conservatory

Seeing Susanne Hudson's sea shells, below, in her Conservatory,I was inspired to gather mine from attic & garage. Before Georgia I lived at Cape Canaveral &
Galveston Bay.
Why wasn't I honoring my past?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic taken last weekend. What parts of your past need to be honored in your garden?


  1. Can't be seashells from the seashore! And I can't say that fast either.

  2. I am going to think about this question.

    But I might very well being honoring them.

    I am planning to get back to you.

  3. Hmmm....very interesting...I think rose rocks and horny toads! I love seashells but feel like I can't have since I don't live anywhere near the ocean.

  4. My mother was born in the jungle and my father was named George. Which makes me the daughter of George of the Jungle.

    Not sure that would be a good thing to honor here):-

  5. Love the idea of honoring your past, both indoors and out!
