Saturday, June 11, 2011

Faux Bois Bench: Well Sited

A lovely incident along the gravel path, below.
(Notice stone edged gravel, decrepit terra cotta, leaf litter mulch? Melts my heart.)
Same bench, same path, from opposite direction.
Thus, a good garden. It could be 2 different paths, 2 different benches or 2 different gardens.
How to create Double Axis. A class by itself.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken last week in Susanne Hudson's garden.


  1. That bench & its placement was one of my favorite things in the garden. Do you have a local source for it?

  2. That bench & its placement was one of my favorite things in the garden. Do you have a local source for it?

  3. Just beautiful- I WANT that bench!

  4. Every pathway needs a bench along its route...

  5. I have woods, gravel, the little English greenhouse (if that's what it's called!)and pots w/hydrangeas. I do NOT have the uber expensive faux bois bench. . . but I do have a bench. . . . I am copying this look. It's divine. . .
