Friday, May 27, 2011

Focal Point In The Roundabout

I designed the roundabout on axis with: porch, back door, drive, meadow. With a focal point in the center, OF COURSE.A rooster was found, & placed, almost 2 months ago, above. Love it.
Last Friday, Patrick, The Rooster Of Hedgerow Farm, was killed by a bobcat.
She had tears as she told me the story. You must understand, Hedgerow Farm belonged to beloved Patrick. SHE belonged to Patrick.
Now, the rooster in the roundabout is a meaningful memorial. Who knew?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Same garden as previous 2 posts. Pic taken last Friday, from the mudroom porch.


  1. Poor Patrick :( Very pretty roundabout. A-M xx

  2. Hello,

    Great idea! and poor Partick :-)

  3. So sorry about Patrick! Amazing about the 'new' rooster, very serendipitous.
    xo J~
