Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thomas Jefferson's Scrapbooks

Long thought to be the work of his daughters, researchers, not too long ago, realized scrapbooks at Monticellowere scrapbooks by Thomas Jefferson.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Centuries of peoples have 'scrapbooked'. Kept my 'scrapbooking' a semi-secret for decades, as if it were a vice. Something only children do. Now? I think 'scrapbooking' is left brain/right brain stuff. Mine help me navigate. A source of memory, inspiration, creativity, calm, & etc.


  1. My blog has become my scrapbook! I am heading to Amazon to buy this, my friend!
    I have been so busy for the last several days and I have been unable to read your blog. I feel like an addict of his meth...I am sitting down with a cup of coffee and your blog momentarily...and soon your BOOKS! I cannot wait!
    I just walked in from my garden, which has become a smorgasbord for the rabbits. *sigh* The good news is that the bulbs did manage to sprout. The bad know the rest!
    Still, a good day!

  2. Hello Tara!
    Well you learn something new every day...I had no idea you scrapbooked! I used to do a lot of it but burned myself out...I still have all my papers I just need to get my creative juices flowing. For now though...we have started tilling up the ground inside the picket fence off the back porch. Hubby laid the concrete stones that former owners made with their foot/hand prints and names and dates and today I will rake everything smooth and then we'll roll it and seed it. He's even dug deep into where the flower beds will in shade and one in sunshine. We still have the front to do but for now this will keep us busy. Hey...Maybe I should scrap about it! I LOVE that it was finally discovered that it was Thomas Jefferson who made the scrapbooks...VERY interesting. I hope your day is a good one Tara...
    Maura :)

  3. Tara!
    I tried scrap booking for a season of my life, but found it took too much time during that season! It is a beautiful way to keep memories alive.
    I did a blog post on you today and what I learned from you at the IFDA meeting. You truly inspire(d) me to learn more about gardening!

  4. How wonderful!! Mr. Jefferson just keeps getting more and more interesting...makes total sense that he of all people would keep a visual in keeping with his character! Really looking forward to this one.
    xo J~

  5. I admire people who scrapbook.
