Thursday, April 28, 2011

Design For Winter Not Summer

Design for Summer & it's pretty in summer. Design for Winter & it's pretty all year.
A new thread to that thought, design a summer garden to look like winter. Hmmmmm. In the heat/humidity/mosquito summer seeing a cooling garden of winter. Interesting.
Summer, above, Lake Maggiore, Italy. This qualifies.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
How do I know it's a summer pic? I took it.
Epiphany came reading, "Ms. Malcolm's books have wintry atmospheres - both intellectual and aesthetic - that derive partly from the way she takes facts and attaches them, like someone hanging tea-light candles from high rafters, to mythology and classic literature, mostly Russian." "When a relative recalls, in the courtroom, the dead man eating a pomegranate, the Comp Lit student in Ms. Malcolm pounces. "Of course he was eating a pomegranate," she writes. "Characters in Russian literature are always eating (or offering) fruit at significant moments." Dwight Garner, New York Times, in his book review, Iphigenia in Forest Hills: Anatomy of a Murder Trial, by Janet Malcolm.


  1. That is exactly what Susan and I have been discussing!

  2. I think there is a SERIOUS book idea in this concept you state "...Design for Winter & it's pretty all year"

    Look out pretty petal pushers that only get the warm season!

  3. LOVE this! As we're in the midst of each season, what *I'm* thinking is, what is in there that will be welcoming the NEXT season, i.e. hardscaping and foxgloves, pansies, tree structure etc.

  4. In Kansas if you don't design for winter, then it is so depressing to look outside and see NOTHING! Early on I knew I wanted hardscape to be a major player and have learned to love the beauty of snow on stone walls, on trees and shrubs. I leave the beds of perennials and gasp! annuals to others.

  5. Lago Maggiore! I love it! we stayed in Stresa when I spent some time in Italy. Villa Taranto, Isola Bella, Isola Madre and Isola Pescatori are all divine! LOVE!
