Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Landscape Design Perfection: Sir Hardy Amies

I took this pic in the Cotswolds in Sir Hardy Amies garden.A complete landscape design course, in one picture.
Looks easy, can you do it?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Money is not a criteria. Rescued plants, rescued hardscape & etc..... Yes, you can do this.


  1. Looks easy?
    I see 2,000,000 details.

  2. this was a landscape that has grown together - those are some well established trees. lol
    'hugs from afar'

  3. Ohhhhh...beautiful Tara!
    Perfect Balance:)
    Your right, that picture says it all.

    Jeanne xx

  4. Doesn't look the slighted bit. Even the obelisks are over the top.

  5. I think I can...I think I can...I think I can....

  6. Beautiful isn't it?

    My sister lives in the Cotswolds. Spent many an evening in the Falkland Arms pub at Great Tew, you may know it? I always go back to visit either late Autumn or Winter (after the season) so miss the area at it's very best.
