Saturday, March 26, 2011

Blooms, Wicker, Toile

Bringing home blooms this week, below, in the back of Tess.Blooms - Wicker - Toile !!
Puppet Barbuda delights in trinities.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Tess is my little van. She has 6 doors & is tricked-out for ALL things garden designing, lecturing, touring, shopping. Tess brakes for Open Gardens with Tea & Scones.


  1. I have a Tess who is a dress form. She cannot carry much.

  2. Tess is a cool name for your van. I'm wishing my husband would buy me an old pickup truck. All the better for hauling mulch, shrubs, flowers, etc. Love your blog. Just discovered it a few weeks ago.

  3. Hi Tara, have just come across your gorgeous blog (I know what I'll be doing for the next few hours!). I'm a horticulturist/garden designer on the other side of the world - but we share the same passion!
    Love the sound of Tess, I'm hoping to get one of those companions myself soon too! She sounds like the perfect gardening mate.
