Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Easiest Design Tool?

Contrasts. Contrast EVERYTHING in your landscape. Big leaves next to small leaves. Burgundy foliage next to green foliage. Spikey flowers next to round flowers. Square terrace with round urns at its entry.Contrasts on this new home are wicked good.
Curves, squares, arcs, circle, colors, wood, brick, glass, slopes, rectangles, peaks, valleys, flat, vertical.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
The next easy design tool? Repetition.
Yes, a good book: Landscape Design: Contrasts & Repetition. (Now, finding time to write it!) Just when you get your contrasts correct it's time to repeat, repeat, repeat......... No worries, it took me a long time to latch on to these tools.


  1. "Nature is an endless combination and repetition of a very few laws. She hums the old well-known air through innumerable variations."


    And this, Tara, seems to have some creative and spiritual bearing on it all:


  2. This "poppet" can already see your gears turning out this new book, sitting in your conservatory, the wood stove cranked.

    Contrast is everywhere, and it grabs people at first sight and at last glance.
