Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Don't Let This Be You

Too small, not centered, typically rotting; at least this doormat, below, isn't rotting.BAD doormats set me off. Disrespect.
Is your foyer beautiful? Is the doormat outside disgusting?
A stupid or ugly doormat makes the 1st impression, not a gorgeous foyer.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
You have no idea how many times I arrive at a 1st time client & they open their front door to see me holding their disgusting doormat between 2 fingers like rotting fish.


  1. My outside entry is hideously asymmetrical. What was the builder thinking? I have iron doormats, though. I cannot stand the dust and decay that comes with rubber and coir.
    I giggled aloud when I pictured you holding a smelly doormat between two fingers!
    I LOVE your humor!

  2. That door mat works perfectly with that front door; they both need a re-do. I'm going to go check to see if this is my house;-)

  3. Next time you hold that "rotting fish" please ask them to photograph you!!!

  4. Hahaha, should you ever visit, this good to know!

    I didn't realize the conservatory had steps leading up to it. Such a wonderful detail. I would want to sit on them, my highest compliment.


  5. tell us what you really think? you are too funny and i would love to see that picture that bruce suggests. omg.


  6. When we moved into our new place, there were doormats galore. I don't say they are pretty, in fact one is that fake black plastic grass with a daisy on the corner. So bad it's BAD. Unfortunately, the hubby hates to throw things away, so it resides in ( yes in) our mud room. Yeesh.

    Christine in Alaska, lots of ugly mats, not by choice

  7. Oh, I agree. If I hate my doormat, I come in the house in a bad mood. Down with ugly doormats!

  8. I agree, ugly doormats are a terrible first impression. I have a hard time where I am because while I really like natural fiber ones, we get a lot of rain here in Western WA and they rot awfully fast. What's your favorite type of doormat?

  9. Oh goodness...I shudder at what you'd think of my front entry ;)! At the moment you can't even use our front entry...not that anyone will in the country but I still like it to look good. We will be painting this spring and putting in new steps and sidewalk to the front door so that should help. I'm pretty sure my mat would be acceptable though ;) Hope your day is a good one Tara.
    Maura :)

  10. The front porch is small- but it holds a 4X 6 rug suitable in pattern for inside the house. in Southern California- even now the fuschia on one side is in full bloom. And an old fashioned tin proclaiming" God Bless Our Home" is framed.

    The space is nice because anyone with enough love to climb our very steep street to get to our doorway deserves a nice place to rest while they wait for us to answer the door.
