Monday, January 24, 2011

Whence Creativity?

This truck does it for me!! LOVE. Squared front, curving wrapped glass, black/chrome, darts of orange/yellow lighting above the cab. You can feel the power behind the grill. (Instant lust, wanting to take advantage of that power.)Most importantly the cab is asymmetrical for the
SMOKESTACK. This Tonka toy stirs my creativity. It had me hearing Nina Simone, "....POWER...."
'Seeing' this truck was a 'conversation' with its designers.
In a Mad-Max-bitchin' way, I love this truck being 1 of many tools in my quiver. Getting rid of things; bringing in the new. Creating art, with art. More than changing a home & garden, changing lives.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic taken at a jobsite last week. Feeding my Creative Muse is more than part of my job, it's part of my life.


  1. You ARE my Atlanta "compadre'! Great comparison on inspiration.

    I bet you could even get macho, mow & blow guys, even those w/ mullets, into design with such a manner.

  2. It's old school....I was so disappointed when they went all big, plastic and curved.....remember an old Ford truck...50's /60's /70's?....I loved that design...they ruined it. My favorite was Lassie's family truck...k
