Saturday, January 15, 2011


The change in elevation was deceptively 'not there' without my new Conservatory.
Alas, My Dear Ladies both use canes. You know they will be in my Conservatory sharing wine/canapes before dinner.
Stone steps are dry stack, above. And, ta da, rescued from jobsites.
Serendipitously, I put in a side door to my conservatory. That door has a meandering woodland path, no steps. SAFE, for My Dear Ladies.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
No pics yet of the meandering woodland path leading to the side door. My guys put the steps in, wish I could say I did !!


  1. It is so pretty!I love seeing it.Share more inside and out I love it!

  2. Your glass and wood house in the snow must be an endless source of pleasure!

  3. Oh how I'd love to join in for a cup of tea in your new addition. 'hugs from afar'

  4. Yeah, the steps are great. I didn't realize the grade change, but those steps make that space, and put the conservatory on center stage. The way the flagstone looks in snow is amazing, too.

    Enjoy your vino with your lady friends!

  5. more more more photos!!! my dream, aside from the kitchen reno we are doing now, is to build a studio out in our woods, something made out of old french doors. For now I will wait to see more photos of your conservatory. How delightful!

  6. omg. your conservatory is fabulous! i am in love!!!!!!! and i love the picture in your header too.

    you are so lucky to have that! i would move in if i had a conservatory like yours!

  7. Oh Tara your conservatory is looking WONDERFUL! Love those windows above the door and the steps are beautiful especially with snow on them. I'm looking forward to seeing the new woodland path...I know it will be beautiful and I bet 'your Dear Ladies' will love it too. Have a wonderful Sunday...
    Maura :)
