Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Wildwood, mother nature's contrast of shapes, with a transition zone of pruned hedges, and another transition zone of tightly clipped lawn leading to a hardscaped yet watery focal point.
Add the man made contrasts of circles, ovals, rectangles, squares & spires.
Toss in multiple axis, changes of elevation, and canopy-understory-walls-floor.
Even a non-gardener knows, intuitively, the plant selections are CHOICE. Serenity of greens, low maintenance, no irrigation & perfect pollinator habitat.
Yes, this pic by Slim Aaron ca. 1960, is an exciting garden. Gardens are all CONTRASTS.

I doubt they thought about the garden at all. Their clothes, the gossip, & dry martinis, yes.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. I would love to have such a "happy" garden. Truly inspirational.

  2. Can hardly wait to garden again! Come on out, spring!

  3. Tara! I have chosen you to win the "Stylish Blogger Award". I hope you will accept it! You are such an inspiration to me...
    Please come to my blog and see the details!


  4. Exotic, snazzy and just plain perfect. I'm the one in the pink shantung!
    Thanks for the winter escape.

  5. Beautiful! Me too, I'm ready for spring!!

  6. I agree Tara..it all works and I would love to know who is sitting around that pool!

    Jeanne xx

  7. You mean that scene was purposed and did not come by random chaos? You must not have gotten the memo from too many LA's and designers here.

    Seriously, such a scene is WHY I am an LA, serene because someone(s) had the time to care and did.

  8. David Cristiani, aka Desert Dweller.

    It's obvious this garden was created by a LA.

    One of the rare LA's. One such as you.

    A soul of grace.

    XO T
