Monday, January 31, 2011

20 Plants That Could Kill Your Dog

Amy Leigh sent me this title, 20 Plants That Could Kill Your Dog.From, See Fido.
Enjoy !!
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic from a client this summer. We trade garden & pet pics !! Some food too.
Thank you dearest Amy, I didn't know about this site.


  1. I think my puggle is more likely to kill than be killed, LOL! Thanks for the advice!
    I learned that a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide will help your pet vomit after it has ingested toxic substances. (Napoleon ate an entire chocolate bar). Of course, check first before you administer. There are times when vomitting should never be induced.

  2. this is great info. jenny, our sweet yellow lab, thanks you, too!

  3. Hello Tara! I had no idea some of these plants are dangerous to pets...thanks for bringing this to our attention. Makes you think twice before planting just anything! I hope your week is a good one.
    Maura :)
