Monday, December 13, 2010

Seeing Thru Your Window

Janus, January was named for this god, looks forward & backward. Janus was with me in TEXAS last week. My parents, below, are gorgeous. My sister, below right, came to my parent's home too.
We slept in the same bed, to visit more. She stole my pillow.
My life, below, moved forward while I was gone. A dream come true, my conservatory of new & rescued materials was begun. Only for family would I have done this, missed the start of my conservatory. Ironic, family helping me to see backward in my life last week while starting my house of windows.
"We have an inner window through which we can see the world and though it gets cloudy in life it's our job to wipe it clean." von Donnersmarck
I'm not always brave on the wiping-it-clean. Poppets, do you know the name of my landscape design business? A Garden View. Clean windows are much better with the moat of grace of a garden.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. So excited for you! Cannot wait to see it finished. Have a great week.

  2. Old family pics are some of my favorites! And as usual, you tie it into the landscape...and that is some travelling, all the way to TX. Too bad the weather was probably not very dramatic!

    I need to think more on your last phrase, "...much better with a moat of grace".

  3. Hello Tara!
    Aww...I love your old photo's. So nice to see a glimpse into our Blogger friends lives past and present. You and your sister look so cute and you're right...your parents ARE gorgeous! I'm so excited for you ...I bet you can't wait to start decorating your conservatory once it's all done. I'll be watching for photo's when you're ready to show us. Have a WONDERFUL week my garden friend!
    Maura :)

  4. a view:

  5. I did not steal your pillow, Sister! It was fun to visit with you too!

    Love, Big Sister

  6. Remembering family times is always wonderful and your conservatory is going to be beautiful! Tho' I'm sure you already know this :)
    I LOVE that quote- I might need to use it.....
