Wednesday, December 22, 2010


2 single doors, below, brought together as French doors. Fiddling with the knobs? Never. They are jewelry. Yesterday my carpenter fashioned latching for these doors.
Though the string has had its charms during the construction of my conservatory.
More magic was putting a door on the side of my conservatory. A chandelier, oodles of electrical outlets & multiple doors.
Playing house as a grown-up girl is DELIGHTFUL.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
A grand morning. Must get out of my gown & into work clothes, pronto. At this very moment one of my men is on his way to help me bring antiques (aka junk) into my conservatory. Pity, no time for a fire. Have to head out for Christmas shopping when he leaves.


  1. I adore the character of old doors...gorgeous!!

  2. Playing house is ALWAYS fun! Isn't that why you do what you do so well? You get to play with other folks houses/gardens and with the most wonderful results. Eveyone wins!
